Installation and debugging of stainless steel fruit beating

Time:2021-04-15 09:34  Browse:277

The pulp produced by the fruit beating machine has the advantages of long storage time, good palatability and low loss of nutrients, which can really deal with the storage problem of fresh feed for pigs, ducks, geese, rabbits and other livestock and poultry. The machine has the characteristics of grass cutting, crushing and green feed beating as a whole, and is an ideal equipment for large, medium-sized and small farms and domestic poultry feeding. This machine has the advantages of small power, high output, simple structure and easy operation. It can be operated by one person. The processing range is universal and the raw data are not limited by length. It is stable and durable with small volume and high output.
Installation and debugging of fruit beating machine
1. When the machine works, it should be installed on a flat and solid site.
2. Request to equip the motor according to the rules.
3. Before installing the belt, check whether the rotation direction of the index power is different from the cutting direction of the hay cutter, and adjust the belt after confirming that there is no error, and make the belt tight properly.
4. Before start-up, check and adjust the clearance between the moving and fixed blades of the hay cutter, so that the clearance adjustment is controlled below 0.8mm without bumping, and then lock the bolt.
5. After the adjustment of each part is normal and confirmed to be correct, turn on the power supply for trial operation, and check whether the fastener joints of each part are loose, and whether there is abnormal sound at each rotating part.